Technology necessity in modern-day fisheries management

Technology necessity in modern-day fisheries management


Technology is no longer a luxury, but a necessity in modern-day fisheries management said Ribanataake Tiwau, Kiribati Minister for Fisheries and Marine Resources development.

Mr Tiwau said when he delivers his opening remarks in the side event on fisheries monitoring, control, and surveillance (MCS), the challenges and solutions in the region at the Honiara Summit.

He said that the challenges Pacific Islands face in contemporary fisheries MCS are complex and evolving and required innovative solutions and strengthen regional cooperation.

He said that Kiribati is committed to leveraging this technological advancement and strengthening partnership and network to enhance Pacific Nation’s national MCS capabilities.

“Through shared resources and ongoing regional collaborations, we can reinforce our collective power of overcoming IUU fishing in our continent,’’ said Tiwau.

Mr Tiwau also acknowledged the ongoing support of Australia, New Zealand, France, the United State, European Union, and others for their support to MCS in the region.

“Together, through technology, innovation, strong partnership, and global cooperation, we can overcome the challenges in fisheries, MCS and secure a sustainable future for our shared ocean resources,’’ said Tiwau.

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