Tanangada remains Gizo/Kolo MP

Tanangada remains Gizo/Kolo MP

CHIEF Justice Sir Albert Palmer has struck out the election petition case filed against the Member of Parliament (MP) for Gizo/Kolombangara Jimson Tanangada.

This means Tanangada remains the duly elected MP for the constituency for the remaining term of the 12th Parliament.

 Sir Albert ins his ruling orders that all six ground of election bribery and another ground in relation to the issue of eligibility to contest the NGE filed against Mr Tanangada be dismissed or struck out due to insufficient evidence to warrant a hearing.

“The Petition accordingly should be struck out and I order costs accordingly in favour of the Applicant (Tanangada) to be taxed, if not agreed,” Sir Albert stated in his ruling today.

The petitioner, Peter Soqoilo, a candidate who lost in the National General Election (NGE) had filed six grounds of election briberies.

Details of the ruling will be in the paper.