Safe centre opens in Nadi – The Fiji Times

Safe centre opens in Nadi – The Fiji Times

THE Yavusania Retrofitted Evacuation Centre in Nadi was officially opened earlier this week.

The project was funded by the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) and implemented by IOM Fiji in co-ordination with the Fiji National Disaster Management Office and Save the Children.

While commissioning the project, Minister for Rural and Maritime Development and Disaster Management Sakiasi Ditoka acknowledged KOICA, IOM and Save the Children Fiji for working with the Ministry and the Fiji NDMO to reach this critical milestone.

Mr Ditoka said the Government was committed to enhancing resilience against climate change threats.

Meanwhile, KOICA country director Hankyulsam Cho said the organisation remained committed to ensuring Fiji’s communities were resilient, empowered and prepared for whatever challenges the future may bring.

“With strengthened capacities, a solid partnership, and the unwavering resilience of the Fijian people, I am confident that we will continue to build a safer and more secure future for all,” Ms Cho said.

“I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the Government of Fiji, IOM and all stakeholders who have worked tirelessly to bring this project to fruition.”

The new facility, funded at $203,250, will provide essential protection for vulnerable groups during emergencies.

It will also serve as a central gathering place for the community, enhancing resilience and promoting long-term safety.