PM briefed on RIPEL, RIIF and LSL 

PM briefed on RIPEL, RIIF and LSL 

THE Commodities Export Marketing Authority (CEMA) Cabinet sub- committee last week had the opportunity to provide policy update on the work of the sub-committee to the Prime Minister (PM) Jeremiah Manele MP.

In a brief meeting, the CEMA cabinet sub- committee led by its director Simon Chottu provided the policy progress on the work done so far and the on- going goals to achieve the revamping of the Russell Island Plantations Estates Limited (RIPEL), Russell Islands Investment Forum (RIIF) and Levers Solomon Limited (LSL).

More specifically the update is to give an oversight on the on- going efforts to revitalize RIPEL coconut operations to its commercial undertakings, consolidates tapping RIIF investment economic potentials, and furthering the activities inline to the buy-back policy of all LSL land, which will see a return of these LSL lands to the government.

When providing policy update to PM Manele, director Chottu resounded that the reopening of RIPEL commercial plantations will go a long way in helping to salvage the ailing economy. 

Undeniably, Russell Islands economic potentials on Russell Islands does not limit to coconuts and cocoa. 

It has been proven, through feasibility studies, surveys, and experience; its potential will become an economic powerhouse on agriculture, tourism and fisheries. 

Chottu assured the PM that these latter sectoral development have not been tapped, and will be fully explored. 

The CEMA sub-committee director highlighted that hinges on that transformative approach, that the CEMA sub- committee is adamant to make major breakthroughs on the RIPEL, RIIF and LSL matter. 

In terms of LSL payback policy, Simon Chottu reminded that the government is advancing this policy area in a very pragmatic way, and therefore stand unwavering in achieving it.

This buy-back policy will see consultations ensued between relevant stakeholders including SIG Agencies, indigenous landowning groups of Guadalcanal, Guadalcanal Province, local investors, and others. 

Such consultations is paramount and will involve site visits and land audit of LSL land in Lungga/Tenaru.

GNUT through the Cabinet Sub-Committee is determined to achieve this flagship policy on its commitment to grow the economy, and creating a stable and peaceful Solomon Islands.

The Government for National Unity and Transformation (GNUT) has adopted the same approach by the previous Government whereby a two-pronged approach is implemented in terms of the RIPEL strategies. Resulting in the establishment of the Forum (RIIF) Engagement Framework. Under the two-pronged approach – the RIPEL issues are distinctive from the RIIF matters. 

The PM emphasized the need to stand resolutely in resolving the matter and achieve this policy area with best-desired outcomes for all parties.