PALM SCHEME IS FREE’ | Theislandsun

PALM SCHEME IS FREE’ | Theislandsun

Only RSE scheme conducts recruitment through agents: MFAET


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and External Trade (MFAET) has clarified that only the New Zealand Labour Mobility program under the Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) scheme conducts recruitment through Agents.

In a statement yesterday MFAET via their Facebook page announced that for 2025/2026, the Labour Mobility Unit (LMU) has recently issued licenses to 7 active agents who will be tasked to do recruitment in country for RSE work in New Zealand.

“As we have announced earlier, only the New Zealand Labour Mobility program under the Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) scheme conducts recruitment through Agents.” MFAET said.

“The RSE Agents will be working closely with their Approved Employer in New Zealand for recruitment and will report to the LMU for data purposes and pre departure briefings.” The statement said.

Last week, the Labour Mobility Unit (LMU) under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and External Trade is responsible for overseeing the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) Scheme, which facilitates employment opportunities for Pacific Islanders in Australia.

The LMU has issued a public warning about individuals and groups falsely posing as recruitment agents for employment under the PALM and Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) schemes.

These fraudulent agents have been demanding upfront payments, despite the fact that the PALM scheme is free, with applicants only needing to cover costs for their passport, police, and medical clearances.

The LMU has clarified that recruitment for the PALM scheme is not taking place at this time and urged job seekers to only engage with official, verified sources.

The unit continues to emphasize the importance of caution and vigilance to prevent people from falling victim to scams.

Meanwhile, the seven (7) active agents who will be tasked to do recruitment in country for RSE work in New Zealand this year are; Islander Recruiting Agency, AMA Recruiting Agency, United Isles Recruiting Agency, Kelvin’s Recruitment Agency, Macos Recruitment Agency, Teraroa Company Agency and Leeman company Agency.

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