Man to plead to indecent act charge 

Man to plead to indecent act charge 

A 45-YEAR-OLD man, who indecently touched the private body parts of a 13-year-old girl in a village in North Guadalcanal in June, will be taking his plea to the allegation on October 14.

The man who cannot be named to protect the identity of the victim is facing one count of Indecent Act.

The court heard that following the incident in June, the defendant reconciled with the victim by making a chupu as compensation to re-establish relationship with the victim.

Delilah Kukura of Public Solicitor’s Office (PSO), who assisted the defendant, said the reconciliation was also to accept the defendant to return to the village to look after his family.

Public Prosecutor Martha Mutukera said the only concern she has is the defendant interfering with the complainant or prosecution witnesses.

However, she asked if strict bail conditions be imposed on the defendant.

Deputy Chief Magistrate Ricky Iomea, therefore imposed strict bail conditions and one of them restricts the defendant from interfering with the complainant or prosecution witnesses.

He also made direction for the PSO to allocate a lawyer for the defendant and for the prosecution to serve disclosures to the lawyer once the defendant confirms his lawyer before the next court date.

The victim is a grade six student and resides in a village in Guadalcanal with her parents, whilst the defendant also resides in the same village with his wife and children.

It was alleged that on 6 June between 6pm and 7pm, the victim went to the water pump where they used to fetch water for shower and washing.

While she was having her shower, the defendant went past her and told her that he was going to the garden to harvest cassava.

A few minutes later, the alleged victim went to the river to relief herself and on her return, she met the defendant who came out from where he was hiding beside a bush track.

The prosecution alleged that the defendant at that time indecently assaulted the victim.

The victim did not shout or scream as she was afraid of the defendant.

The victim later escaped when the defendant let her go after she lied to him that her sister was waiting for her at the water pump.

The victim went back to her house and did not tell anyone about the incident until the next day when she revealed it to her mother.

On 10 June, the victim’s mother took her to the Tetere Police Station and reported the matter.

The defendant was then arrested and charged for this incident.


Solomon Star, Honiara