A-G’s assurance to the nation!
Thank you, Attorney-General Graham Leung, for assuring the nation that any review or amendment of the Constitution would adhere to the law, stating there was no intention to bypass or circumvent the Constitution. Leung also confirmed (FT: 11/03) that the Government intended to use Section 91 of the Constitution to seek an opinion from the Supreme Court on the legality of the sections that were in conflict or deemed unconstitutional. Leung did not mince his words, “The Amendment Bill is about process and procedure. As long as I am Attorney-General, I will spare no effort to ensure these values are respected”. Bravo, Leung! Healthy debates and discussions must be at the focal point of any amendment to the Constitution, and the public must be consulted and kept abreast with all the developments, unlike the past where we were kept in the dark. The Coalition Government has time and again reiterated that democracy is alive in Fiji. Freedom of speech, which was under threat back then, is in the frame and Fijians must express their views and opinions within the law. God bless Fiji! Rajnesh Ishwar Lingam, Nadawa, Nasinu
Unkind remarks
Social media can be a tricky place. Remember, what people share often reflects the best parts of their lives, a mix of genuine celebration and, at times, a quest for validation. Yes, it’s true, some people may be filling gaps in their self-esteem by what they share, but does that really have anything to do with you? Their journey, their insecurities, or even their need for validation are their own. And we can never truly know someone’s intentions or what they went through to get to where they are. Focus on your own growth, not comparisons. Celebrate others, but nurture yourself. The energy you free up from comparison can transform into the fuel you need for your own journey of healing, growth, and transformation. No one’s showing off. They’re just showing the life they’re enjoying, proud of and living. People who take it personally need to go find their own magic and maybe unfollow! NAVNEET RAM (TD), Lautoka
Levuka streetlights
Some streetlights in Levuka, mostly along Totogo Lane, Garner Jones Rd, Church St and Langham St, are not working, including a few up in Baba. Most have been in such a state since 28/02/2025 and the rest, before that. Energy Fiji Ltd (Levuka), has done their part in informing Fiji Roads Authority regarding the issue but as of to-date, nothing’s been done. Subsequently, the two so-called “special administrators” should show some concern in following up the same with FRA to ensure the street lights are fixed ASAP. Or are they waiting for something serious to happen along those ‘pitch-dark’ stretches before acting? Someone’s sleeping on the job. Anthony Sahai, Levuka, Ovalau
Political parties
Recently we heard from the SoE that another eight proposed political parties wanted to register to stand for next year’s election. Do we really need them? Will they lower the 5 per cent threshold to at least get a seat into Parliament? Nonsense! Pita Soroaqali, Rakiraki
Ship building
Known then as the Government Shipyard, in the ’80s, Fiji was one of the best ship building nations in the Pacific. In the early 1990s, the government of the day headed by none other than the current Prime Minister, Sitiveni Rabuka, decided that its main ship industry cease operation. Imagine the thousands of career pathways and employment that could have opened up for Fijians if the industry had remained in operation. Thirty odd years later, with the backing of the Australian Government, he is trying to revive the shipbuilding industry. He was quoted saying: “I’m very excited because we’re blamed for killing the old enterprise, we’re very pleased to have it going again”. Wise Muavono, Balawa, Lautoka
Football coaches
The recent and overnight changes of coaches done for some prominent football clubs in Fiji are alarming and diminishing the significance of the pivotal role that coaches play in the development of football. For the growth of football in the nation and protection of the coaching fraternity, I hope Fiji Football might step in, otherwise those who are teaching football end up becoming a football. Rohitesh Chand, Kalokalo Crescent, Makoi