A total of 652 students have graduated on Thursday at the King George (KG) Sixth National Secondary annual graduation and prize giving day ceremony held at the Maranatha Hall in East Honiara.
This year’s graduation and prize giving ceremony is celebrated with the theme “Reshaping Scholars and Leaders for the future.”
Speaking at his keynote address King George School Principal Mr. Augustine Omearo highlighted that the Graduation and Prize giving represents the culmination of all the student’s hard work and effort they have given into their academic excellence.
“It is indeed a time for us to celebrate your achievements and also a time to reflection of your educational journey, where we were, where we are and where we are heading.
“Behind every success are great teachers, loving parents, committed families and best friends who have been with you every step of your journey,” he said.
“Today we can feel very proud of your achievements.
“As young leaders and scholars of our school, you must embrace change and adapt to be in tune with the fast paced and ever evolving world.

“This will provide the springboard to navigate into the complexities of our ever changing world,” Principal Omearo said.
The school principal said King George VI School as an educational institution strives and continues to strive to provide and deliver learning that is holistic, authentic, and exciting.
“This will prepare students with skills, knowledge and values for lifelong learning,” Omearo added.

The school boss also highlighted some of the school achievements as well as some of the challenges the school faced during the academic year and for students as well.
King George VI School has a total students roll of 935 students, 36 teaching staffs and 16 supporting staff for this year 2024.
The students enrollment continues to fluctuate over the recent years.
Most classes have 50 students.

Principal Omearo said this is largely driven by the demand for spaces and obviously a challenge for quality education.
However, he said the school has enough space that can accommodate new classrooms.
Mr. Omearo also said it is challenging for the school to find and maintain the balance between providing quality education.
“This remains a great concern for the school.
“Over the recent years, the school has tried to address quality education by providing incentives for teachers, providing sufficient teaching materials and facilities to both teachers and students.
“The school continues to support teacher professional development.
“This is in line with the school’s desire to improving quality education,” he said.

Mr Omearo said this year they have six staff members doing studies at Solomon Islands National University (SINU) and University of the South Pacific (USP).
He added that the school national exam results had continued to improve greatly since 2019.
“This can be attributed to improved and consistent support and commitment from the school and selection and enrollment of high achievers from the national exams.
“I want to thank the Ministry of Education through the National Examinations and Assessment Division for their continuous support on this.

During the occasion students have been awarded on subject prizes and recipients of Dux Prizes, for Form 1 -7, Leadership Awards for school leaders including school heads (Head boy & Head Girl) and school prefects, Denominational Leaders Awards, Sports Awards for sporting athletes students in the school and finally certificate presentation for graduate classes and students of 2024.
Hundreds of parents, guardians, students, staff, family members and supporters packed the Maranatha Hall to witness the colourful occasion.
The graduation was held as most of the students will start siting for their exams towards the end of this month.
Solomon Star, Honiara.