FFA has important role in global market access

FFA has important role in global market access

By Loretta B Manele

The Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA) plays an important role in assisting its members to access global markets.

Chris Reid, Director of Fisheries Development for FFA spoke briefly about this at a side event called “Sustainable fisheries development initiatives” at the recent Honiara Summit which focused on discussions on Sustainable Development Goal 14.4 “Achieving Sustainable Fisheries”.

He said assisting FFA members to access global markets is a core activity of FFA.

Reid explained that they have a small dedicate team who work with members of industry to facilitate market access primarily to the EU (European Union) and North America.

He added that this work is expanding to other markets including Vietnam and China as their requirement for market access increases.

“Key activities in this area include seafood safety training, capacity building and technical competency development, DG Sante audit preparation and compliance and compliance monitoring and IUU regulatory changes all of which assist members and exporters to assess the lucrative access of the lucrative northern hemisphere markets for our channel.”

Reid said four FFA member countries, namely; Fiji, Solomon Islands, Kiribati and Papua New Guinea have an EU approved status which allows them to access the EU market without imposition of heavy tariffs.

He noted that work continues with three other countries; Federate States of Micronesia (FSM), Republic of Marshall Islands (RMI) and Tuvalu to attain this status.

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