ECan elects new leaders

ECan elects new leaders

We are on the same waka was Craig Pauling's message after being elected Environment Canterbury chairperson.

Pauling was appointed by majority for the rest of the council term, with Christchurch West councillor Deon Swiggs the new deputy chairperson.

Pauling replaces Peter Scott, who resigned from the role following revelations his council-provided car exceeded the speed limit 678 times between January and September, clocking at a top speed of 157kph.

Two years ago, Pauling and Scott were tied in the race to be chairperson, with Scott appointed after his name was drawn from a tin.

Scott has remained as councillor and on Wednesday voted for Pauling, who was elected unopposed.

"We are all on the same waka and we are paddling hard for our communities, most importantly for the precious place we call home, for our water and our land and our air and sea,’’ Pauling said.

Before the vote, several councillors paid tribute to Scott’s contribution as chairperson with Pauling acknowledging his leadership over the years.

Ngāi Tahu councillor Tutehounuku ‘Nuk’ Korako said he was aggrieved by the situation leading to Scott’s resignation as people "hunted him like a dog”.

He accepted Scott did some wrong things but showed mana to do the right thing and step aside "for the good of this council”.

Cr Genevieve Robinson said she respected Scott as a councillor, saying he was good at what he did but she could not sit with the speeding issue having lost a good friend in a road incident four years ago.

Cr Greg Byrnes was not sad to see Scott go as chairperson but was glad he stayed as a councillor.

"I think that the pressure that was built up on you as you stumbled through a series of poor decisions finally caught up.''

By Jonathan Leask and David Hill

ECan elects new leaders