CSSI ERG personnel successfully complete training with CPLT

CSSI ERG personnel successfully complete training with CPLT

A TOTAL of 50 Emergency Response Group (ERG) personnel of the Correctional Service Solomon Islands (CSSI) received their certificates after successfully completed a two-week training recently with the China Police Liaison Team (CPLT) at the Royal Solomon Islands Police headquarters in Rove.

CPLT Commissioner Shenghuang Liu said it was both an honour and privilege to witness the closing of the training programme.

“On behalf of the Chinese Police Liaison Team (CPLT), I would like to extend our warmest welcome to all participants and express our sincere gratitude to RSIPF and CSSI for your trust and support in making this programme possible.

“Over the past two weeks, with the strong support and coordination of RSIPF, CPLT conducted two training sessions for ERG officers. We carefully selected specialised instructors and tailored the training content to meet the needs of ERG officers through extensive communication.

“The programme covered a wide range of essential skills, including unarmed Défense and control, handcuffing techniques, minimum combat unit training, use of metal detectors and first aid,” Commissioner Liu said.

Commissioner Liu commended ERG officers, saying they have demonstrated remarkable discipline, dedication and teamwork.

He said even when a single participant was late, the entire team showed accountability by doing push-ups as a gesture of apology.

“One particularly impressive moment was during the combined training with batons, shields, and riot forks. Some of you acted as suspects while others played the role of police officers. The teamwork was exceptional, and everyone performed with a high level of professionalism,” Commissioner Liu added.

Outstanding performing officers.

All the ERG officers successfully passed the final assessment and were each presented with a certificate of ‘completion.’

CPLT also awarded certificates of excellence to the officers who demonstrated outstanding performance during the training.

 “We believe that this training has not only equipped you with practical skills and knowledge but has also enhanced your understanding of modern law enforcement concepts that you will apply what you have learned to your daily work, contributing to the continued success of CSSI”, Commissioner Liu added.

Commissioner Liu highlighted this training also strengthened the friendship and mutual understanding between CSSI and CPLT and expressed CPLT’s anticipation for further collaboration in more joint projects in the future. 

He said while this training ended, it marked the beginning of a new chapter in the CSSI-CPLT cooperation.

“We are excited about the prospect of deeper and stronger partnerships ahead.

“Once again, thank you to RSIPF and CSSI for your trust and support in CPLT. Wishing you all success, good health and a brighter future together.”

A demonstration during the presentation

CSSI Commissioner Mactus Forau said this training underscored the importance of continuous learning and adaption because the world is unpredictable and as security professionals, they must be ready for the unknown.

Commissioner Forau thanked CPLT Commissioner Liu and his professional team for your guidance, knowledge, and dedication to strengthening their collaboration.

He said that CPLT have made a profound impact on the CSSI training programme.

“Through your leadership, our officers have gained invaluable insights into tactical response, crisis management and strategic decision making.”