Glassdoor New Zealand

What is Glassdoor? We’re a thriving community for workplace conversations, driven by a simple mission: helping people everywhere find jobs and companies they love.

But the way we do it? That’s not so simple.

Every day, we’re inspired by a vision to make positive workplace change through radical transparency. Through the products we make and the communities we create, we’re breaking down barriers that lead to discrimination, pay gaps, and toxic work environments. Together, we’re fostering a world where people have the support and resources they need to find a job that loves them back.

For job seekers
We simplify your search, so you can apply for jobs with confidence. Filter millions of jobs and ratings, talk to professionals, and get smart on salary—then apply with ease.

For employers
We give you a place to shape and share your story, so you can find and keep the best talent. Post jobs, respond to reviews, and gain insights to shape your messaging.

For employees
We amplify your voice, so you can enhance your workplace experience. Leave reviews, search and post salaries, and join candid conversations about life at work.


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