Boil water notice lifted for Manawatū town

Boil water notice lifted for Manawatū town

The Horowhenua District Council has issued a boil water notice for the Foxton Beach water supply following the detection of e. Coli at two sample site locations. Photo / John Borren


A boil water notice for the Manawatū township of Foxton Beach has been lifted this afternoon, after potentially unsafe levels of E. coli bacteria were detected on Thursday.

Test results showing the water is safe to drink have been returned from the two sample sites where potentially unsafe levels of E. coli bacteria were detected on Thursday: the Foxton Beach drinking water fountain at Holben Parade Park and the Manawatū Marine Boating Club.

Two other sample sites, at Palmer Rd and the Foxton Beach surf club, are also testing clear.

Horowhenua District Council said Foxton Beach residents may now drink water from their taps without boiling it.