Back in History | ‘Gutsy step of faith’

Back in History | ‘Gutsy step of faith’

Local fashion designer Tanya Whiteside moved a step further into the commercial world by opening her fashion showcase in Suva, according to an article published by The Fiji Times on November 12, 1992.

The article stated one of the South Pacific’s most talented young couturiers, Ms Whiteside and her business partner and husband, Robert Gho, would use the showcase to retail Ms Whiteside’s designer collection.

The fashion outlet was the first of its kind in the South Pacific.

“In fact, the boutique is an expression of all elements Robert and I personally desire in a retail outlet — a cool, comfortable and unhurried atmosphere, soft relaxing background music, pleasant, experienced sales service and staff and a top quality product,” the article stated,

“We want our customers to experience enjoyment, satisfaction and a sense of fulfilment when they buy Tanya Whiteside.”

One very special service customers of the new Tanya Whiteside outlet would receive is personal attention from the designer herself.

While she had two assistants whom she had trained to take care of customers’ needs, Ms Whiteside would be available in the boutique for several hours each day to give advice and assist customers.

Mr Gho said the venture represented a new phase of development in the couple’s retailing enterprise — Tanya Whiteside Ltd (TW Ltd) which they formed in 1987.

Since it went into operation in early 1988, TW Ltd concentrated mainly on designing and exporting semi-exclusive leisure wear to Australia, the United States and New Zealand.

However, a growing demand at home over the past few years for the exclusive Tanya Whiteside items highlighted the need for an outlet to cater to local people wishing to buy the TW label, “Our Suva shop is that gutsy step in faith that many business people have to take at some stage in their careers. For Tanya and me, that time is now,” he said.

“Having the boutique means we have control over our own merchandise and the freedom to retail our exclusive items in the way we feel is best.

“Tanya has a unique gift as a fashion designer and an artist, and marketing and retailing her items require very special attention and promotion.”

The article stated recently, Ms Whiteside had been able to devote more time to the artistic element of her designs.

“In the pieces on display in the new boutique, customers will find the real me.

“Because I am not designing for export where market tastes and trends can dictate to or have a considerable bearing on a collection, there’s greater sense of freedom and fun in the colour and design combinations of the garments on sale.

“Designing for simplicity of style, versatility, comfort and enjoyment is a joyful challenge for me.”

When they were starting out in late 1977, Ms Whiteside and Mr Gho decided to enter their business proposal for fashion designing and marketing in the first-ever Fiji Development Bank/Westpac Banking Corporation-sponsored Start Your Own Business Competition.

They won first place and used their prize money to get their fledgling business off the ground.

“Fashion is an extremely difficult market to get into. We managed to win orders from individual importers from New Zealand, Denmark and New Caledonia.

“Robert and I intend on knocking on international doors, but our new venture in Suva, which we are both very enthusiastic about, has given us new focus in our business enterprise. It has given us confidence not only in ourselves but also in our country.”