RSPCA ACT’s Weston shelter is no longer suitable for dealing with the organisation’s increasing workload. Photos: James Coleman.
A frustrated RSPCA ACT says a recent parvovirus incident at the Weston shelter highlights the urgency of moving to a more fit-for-purpose facility.
The organisation has also sought to reassure the community after a litter of surrendered puppies tested positive for canine parvovirus and had to be euthanised.
CEO Michelle Robertson said the incident was rare for the shelter but pointed out that the ongoing influx of animals, the high number of puppy surrenders, and the urgent need for a fit-for-purpose RSPCA ACT Shelter all contributed to increasing the risk of parvo, as well as other viruses and biosecurity challenges introduced into the shelter environment.
Before the 2020 election, Labor committed to finding a new site for the RSPCA.
In 2022, the ACT Government identified a site in Pialligo for a new facility for the rapidly growing animal welfare organisation. The facility will include larger buildings, enclosed dog kennels and catteries, and better adoption areas.
However, two elections later, the RSPCA appears no closer to moving to a new facility.
Ms Robertson said the site was available, design work and studies had been done, but “we’re not seeing a real outcome”.
“We’ve been talking about it for five years. How many more processes do we need to go through?” she said
“We’ve had two election cycles, two commitments, so the only real progress for me would be if it’s built. That has to be the milestone.”
She fears it may come down to money, given that an initial estimate of $38 million was not enough due to rising construction costs for the kind of facility that needs to be built.
But the land at Weston is earmarked for housing and the government is set to reap a windfall when the shelter moves.
Ms Robertson said the ACT faced an animal crisis that the current shelter could not cope with, from its cramped veterinary facilities to the animal accommodation.
She said the Weston shelter lacked security, amenity, was on uneven surfaces and inaccessible for some, and the vet clinic could not perform high-volume surgeries.
It could not support the education, early intervention and preventative programs needed to deal with the crisis.
“It’s not just about the accommodation,” Ms Robertson said.
“It’s about changing the status quo, and we just can’t do it. So what happens is we just end up having more unwanted litters, more animals being surrendered, and higher numbers of animals coming in.”
The RSPCA has had to deal with a 20 per cent increase in pet ownership during COVID, a growing ACT population and a cost of living crisis.
“It’s not for the RSPCA, it’s for the animals of the ACT, and we need that infrastructure,” Ms Robertson said.
The RSCPCA has no clear timeline yet, but construction will take a year after development approval.

RSPCA ACT CEO Michelle Robertson and then ACT Minister for City Services Chris Steele at the announcement of the move to Pialligo in March 2022.
Ms Robertson said the parvo incident was a reminder to the community to vaccinate their pets.
She said other dogs at the RSPCA shelter at Weston were vaccinated and not at risk and the shelter was open as usual.
Ms Robertson said it was a misconception that parvo originated in the shelter environment.
“Throughout the world, parvovirus will inevitably be introduced into animal shelters from the surrounding community from time to time,” she said.
“Wherever dogs exist, there’s a reasonable chance parvo might exist there too.”
Ms Robertson said the risk to the rest of the shelter population was low.
“We acted quickly, triggered our isolation protocols, no other puppies were housed close to the affected litter, all our dogs are vaccinated, and our at-risk population (dogs under six months of age) is small,” she said.
“The provision of RSPCA ACT veterinary and shelter services will continue as normal, and it is no less safe to visit than before.”
Ms Robertson also sought to allay fears that any adopted dogs were at risk.
She said all animals from RSPCA ACT receive vaccinations prior to adoption.
However, the RSPCA ACT recommends that pet owners check the due dates for vaccination boosters and encourages pet owners who have concerns to see their veterinary practitioner.
It says puppies should receive their first parvovirus vaccinations around eight weeks of age, but they remain susceptible until they are six months old.
Other tips for keeping puppies safe include limiting exposure and avoiding taking them to the local market or dog park, for example, until they are six months old.
When visiting the vet or other areas where dogs frequent, carry the puppy in your arms outside and leave them on your lap while waiting in the lobby.
Walking where other dogs have done their business increases the risk of contracting disease.
Comment was sought from the ACT Government.