New Zealand Post

Daily newspaper published in New Zealand. The newspaper is owned by one Australian publisher Fairfax Media Limited. The Post is a daily newspaper and news website based in Wellington, the capital of New Zealand.

Our team of journalists provides comprehensive coverage of the workings of government, Parliament and the public sector from the country’s capital, making The Post essential reading for those who want to understand what makes the country tick, politically, socially and economically. We also reflect the character of Wellington, covering creativity, the arts, technology and screen sectors.

We have been part of the capital’s DNA, since 1865, making The Post the country’s oldest political newspaper. We pride ourselves on being a respected authority and a place of ideas and solutions. We have swagger and are not afraid to put noses out of joint. Proud, passionate, smart, connected – celebrating our city and our people, we aim to reflect and champion the progressive, innovative and creative attitude and culture of Pōneke Wellington and Aotearoa New Zealand. The editor of The Post is Caitlin Cherry.

Our journalism adheres to the principles of the New Zealand Media Council and our own internal standards set out in our Editorial Code of Practice and Ethics. We work in the public interest, independent from political or corporate influence. We seek to represent New Zealand’s diverse communities and interests and are non-partisan.

In April 2023, The Post moved into a new era. Building on its 158-year legacy of journalism, the capital’s newspaper – formerly known as The Dominion Post – moved away from the Dominion in its name and emerged as The Post.

The Dominion Post was formed in 2002 when The Dominion newspaper merged with The Evening Post. The Dominion was first published on Dominion Day, September 26, 1907, which commemorated the British Empire’s dominion over New Zealand and the country’s allegiance to the Crown. The Evening Post was first published on February 8, 1865.

In renaming the newspaper, and its digital masthead, we thought carefully about what we wanted the paper to represent, both now and into the future. We embraced the aspiration and uniqueness of the country and the independence of our journalists, while also acknowledging our heritage.

The Post is New Zealand’s national political paper, with a long history of holding the powerful to account. The strength of its new name reflects this history. As an independently owned New Zealand company, we are not under anyone’s dominion, but we do love the strength of the word Post. It is a nod to our past, a wink to the strength of journalism and a hat tip to our future, in which we will continue to cover the workings of government, including Parliament and the public sector.

The Post is a pou, marking the role we play reflecting life in the capital and the impact the decisions made here have on the rest of the country. Ownership and funding

The Post: 10 Brandon Street, Wellington, 6011
Monday to Friday, 8.30am-4.30pm, 04 474 0000
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