NHA  on audit reports

NHA  on audit reports

Three audit teams are conducting audits of National Hosting Authority (NHA) operations and its still progressing with no official audit opinion on these reports.

The Executive Director of NHA, Mr. Christian Nieng highlighted this when making clarifications to misinformation regarding NHA PG2023 Five-Year Audits (2019–2023).

NHA on Friday issued a statement saying; “contrary to certain misleading reports, the audit process has been conducted in full compliance with established regulatory standards and best practices.”

The audits, undertaken by independent and accredited professionals, ensure transparency, accountability, and adherence to financial and operational protocols, the NHA statement said.

“There are three audit teams carrying out audit of NHA operations.

“Two of them are financial audits, carried out by DFAT and Office of the Auditor General (OAG) through hired external auditor, KPMG. The third audit is a special audit, done by OAG through a separate KPMG audit team,” the statement said.

The Executive Director of NHA, Mr. Christian Nieng stressed; “Audit process is still in on-going. There is no official audit opinion on any of the three anticipated audit reports for the years 2019 to 2023 as yet.

“Once the audits are completed, they will be made known to the public, on how NHA and its committees managed the operations that resulted in the successful delivery of the 2023 Pacific Games from 19th November 2023 to 2nd December 2023,” he said.

The NHA reaffirms its commitment to good governance and assures all stakeholders that the findings of the audits will be made available through the appropriate channels.

“Any concerns regarding the audit process should be addressed through official NHA communication platforms.

“We urge the public and stakeholders to rely on verified information from the NHA and refrain from spreading unsubstantiated claims.

“For official updates and further clarifications, contact our office directly,” concluded the statement.