‘Amend Constitution’

‘Amend Constitution’

Four major netball associations are calling on Netball Fiji to amend the voting rights for the executive committee in the constitution.

They hope the change will happen at today’s Annual General Meeting.

The executive committee which comprises of the president, three vice presidents (administration, development and technical), secretary, treasurer and five committee members are entitled to vote at the AGM. Accredited delegates and life members can also vote.

The chairperson also has a casting vote. Article JOd of the constitution states that associations failing to pay their annual subscription and member levies 14 days prior to the AGM will not be entitled to vote and will have their speaking rights withdrawn.

A levy of $10 per person is to be paid by the associations on behalf of their registered members which is inclusive of players and non-players such as coaches, umpires, managers and administrators.

A membership fee of $100 is levied to major associations, minor and island associations pay $50 to be an affiliated member. Fees are waived for life members.

Nadi Netball association vice president Isikeli Leweni said the associations are helpless as the votes would always go in favour of the executive committee as association members eligible to vote were always outnumbered.


“Year in and year out, we cannot do much about it because they are more than those of us who pay our levies,” he said.

“Every time we do a remit of the constitution we are voted out because we’re outnumbered.”

Leweni claims that the association members for Netball Fiji have dropped. Nadi have also questioned the selection process of the Fiji Pearls. Leweni said they’ve lost a number of players who were part of their development programme to rugby.

“They get selected for trials, pay their own way to trials but never make it to the national squad. A number of our players have moved to the Drua and the Fiji women’s 7s squad.

He expects healthy discussions at this AGM.

Nadroga president Avinesh Kumar, who is widely known in sporting circles as Judy Kumar shared similar sentiments.

“There should not be any votes from the executive committee. Fiji Netball belongs to association members.


“Netball Fiji is not like before. They don’t reach out to the areas that are left behind.”

He also claimed that the Fiji Pearls selection was mostly players from Suva and Nasinu.

Mere Rauluni, Nasinu netball president indicated they would raise questions about the annual levy fees.

Asked if there is a need to amend the executive committee voting rights she said:

“We’re all in it – all of us the presidents of associations about the executives up there.

“Hopefully there will be a change up there. I think we can make a change at this meeting, we are confident of doing that.

“It’s been years we’ve been sitting like a duck there.”

Former Suva Netball Association (SNA) president Georgina Lasaqa said: “SNA has been fighting a losing battle under my leadership and the chairperson is the President who lures the table.  As a chairperson you cannot lure the forum but remain neutral plus you further go to support your thoughts by voting and your committees’ votes is more than council.”

Questions emailed to Netball Fiji president, RubyAnn Sorovaki on Thursday remained unanswered when this edition went to press last night.


Feedback: sereana.salalo@fijisun.com.fj

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