FRFU board chairman has cleared the air on the board secretary’s role and overseas travel
(From L-R) Fiji Rakavi Football Union (FRFU) board chairman John Sanday, Board secretary Etuate Tuqota.
The Fiji Rakavi Football Union (FRFU) board chairman John Sanday has cleared the air on the board secretary’s role and overseas travel.
Board secretary Etuate Tuqota travelled to Australia last month with Sanday.
According to the Fiji Rugby Union Articles of Association (Constitution), the board secretary’s role is charged with keeping the minutes of meetings.
It does not state any travel entitlement.
While the duo watched the Cup quarterfinal match between Fiji and South Africa, Sanday indicated their Aussie trip was for a meeting with World Rugby.
He indicated World Rugby specifically asked for a high ranking Government minister to attend where Deputy Prime Minister Manoa Kamikamica accompanied the two.
“We went to attend a World Rugby and Rugby Australia convened meeting to discuss funding avenues to help strengthen the game in Fiji, Tonga and Samoa plus the other Pacific Island rugby playing countries,” Sanday said.
“After the completion of the day-long meeting on Saturday, we were provided free tickets to be in time to watch the quarter final between Fiji and South Africa.”
He added that Tuqota travelled to Perth as part of his official duties, providing key support in administrative and strategic matters.
His responsibilities included:
-Taking minutes and notes and preparing documentation to support both the Chairman and the Deputy Prime Minister, who were involved in rugby-related discussions.
-Handling media content and reporting, with prepared materials kept on standby pending World Rugby’s request for an official announcement.
Sanday added that World Rugby covered accommodation costs and a portion of transportation expenses was covered through an in-kind sponsorship from Fiji Airways. He said the board secretary did not receive any travel allowances or per diems from FRFU Ltd.
“Also for the record, I did not receive any travel allowance.
“His (Tuqota) presence at the event was to ensure that key discussions, engagements, and outcomes were documented effectively and reported back to Fiji Rugby’s leadership.
“It was also important that high quality minutes and records were kept for ongoing meetings and discussions not only for the three Pacific Unions of Fiji, Samoa and Tonga but also to continue the formulation of strategies required by World Rugby and Rugby Australia for the purpose of the meeting.”
Sanday also indicated that there has been an expansion of the board secretary’s role, which includes releasing of its media statement through the board secretary and not through the FRU official media team as the practice of the previous boards.
“There is a new structure in place and we are a brand new company,” he said.
“This decision aligns with best practices in structured communication and stakeholder engagement.
“His role now includes compiling reports, drafting official statements, and assisting in governance documentation. These additional responsibilities ensure that the Chairman and board leadership are well-supported with accurate and timely information.”
Sanday added that the expanded role is expected to be fully formalised once the Trustees complete the handover of control to the board of directors.
Tuqota’s appointment
Meanwhile, Fiji Rugby Union chief executive officer Rovereto Nayacalevu said Tuqota was one of the two candidates that provided an expression of interest on the role.
“His appointment was in accordance to the Articles of Association. The board has full confidence in him and his work in the provision of secretarial duties for the board. FRU no longer has a head of Legal,” Nayacalevu added.