The new coach and CEO will both be named at the end of this month.
Outgoing Pearls head coach Unaisi Rokoura.
There are only two applicants for the Fiji Pearls head coach position, which was advertised on November 5.
Both candidates are not locals. This was confirmed yesterday by Netball Fiji president RubyAnn Sorovaki.
The vacancy on the role closed on November 22 and Sorovaki said interviews would commence in the next two weeks before the new appointment is made before January.
“Just two (applicants), both from overseas,” she said.
“Both will be interviewed.” Outgoing Pearls coach Unaisi Rokoura when contacted yesterday said this would be her last week as she takes up her pending leave.
She indicated her contract was not renewed and she sent her application to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO).
Both coach and CEO’s three-year term ended this year following their appointment in December and September 2021, respectively.
Sorovaki said all four applicants for the CEO’S role would be interviewed; they are local applicants.
The new coach and CEO will both be named at the end of this month.
Meanwhile, about the proposed Pacific Series discussed with Netball New Zealand earlier this year, Sorovaki said: “At the time of discussions for the series we were still working on possible funding opportunities and team preparations. We saw it fit to cancel and possibly move it to allow for us to be better prepared to cater for the expectations of hosting a series of that level.”