Internal mid-term review for education roadmap held

Internal mid-term review for education roadmap held

The Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development (MEHRD) on Tuesday 15th October 2024 conducted a one-day internal Mid-Term Review of the National Education Action Plan (NEAP) 2022-2026.

Members of the Senior Management Team and Head of Divisions converged at the Heritage Park Hotel to undergo the review.

The review was conducted to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the implementation of the NEAP 2022-2026 especially its implementation in 2022 and 2023.

The review focusses on evaluating the progress in achieving the three intermediate goals of the NEAP and their corresponding priorities:

  • Achievement of equitable access to education
  • Improvement in the quality of education
  • Efficient and effective management and monitoring of resources.

It also provides an opportunity for MEHRD Senior Management Team (SMT) to review the timeframe and priority activities and projects that need to be implemented before the current NEAP lapses in 2026.

The NEAP 2022-2026 is the second of three plans intended to achieve our education system’s goals as outlined in the Education Strategic Framework (2016-2030).

The ministry has made some noteworthy achievements in the period 2016-2023. 

One of the significant achievements made under the NEAP 2022-2026 was the passing of the Education Act 2023 after 10 years of extensive work and consultation.

Together, the NEAP 2022-2026 and ESF 2016-2030 set the direction and key strategies for education development and reform in the Solomon Islands with the underlying rationale of providing universal education to every child in the country through increased access to education, improved quality of education and improved management.

Permanent Secretary (PS), Dr Franco Rodie highlighted that during the past 2 years and 10 months of implementing the NEAP, there has been significant progress made in terms of improved access to education as well as in implementation of specific measures to strengthen the quality and responsiveness of education services and promoting the efficiency and effectiveness of education management. 

There were also challenges that the Ministry encountered which made it difficult to achieve the outcomes anticipated from the activities.

He said the mid-term review of the NEAP 2022-2026 is essential and is an opportunity for the ministry, to reflect on the progress and effectiveness of educational performance against the defined goals and objectives of the NEAP

This Friday 18th October 2024, MEHRD will begin the external consultation of the NEAP with representatives of different stakeholders within the Honiara City. 

This will be followed by concurrent external consultation with stakeholders from Central Islands Province and Malaita Province.

This will lead to the NEAP National Consultation that will involve donor partners, provincial representatives, Non-Government Organisations (NGOs) and relevant stakeholders.