MFR looks at expanding VATA to provinces to allow resource owners to process own timbers as log export volumes decline

THE Ministry of Forestry and Research (MoFR) is looking at increasing the country’s timber production levels for export by expanding the Valued Added Timber Association (VATA) yard to Noro in the Western Province.

This is to encourage locals to process their own timbers and benefit more from them.

MoFR Permanent Secretary Richard Raomae spoke of this government’s intention to the local media during a visit to the VATA yard at Henderson in Central Guadalcanal recently.

PS Raomae said the ministry is currently looking at expanding VATA to the provinces due to the declining trend of round log exports in the past few years so as to promote downstream timber processing.

“The situation that Solomon Islands is currently facing in terms of round log exports is that log exports have decreased over the last five years. 

“We have noticed that Solomon Islands exported an average of over 2 cubic metres in the recent three years and the export volumes are decreasing, indicating that we are running out of round logs and forests,” he emphasized.

He said since the country is experiencing a decrease in round log exports, MoFR is looking at expanding VATA to allow resource owners to process their own timbers.

“Currently in the pipeline, we are looking at Noro in the Western Province as the first expansion of the VATA yard. Many resources owners are happy with the initiative to expand VATA down to the provinces.

“With this expansion, we really believe that it will help landowners to utilize their timber resources and take ownership over their procession, which is more beneficial for them compared to the benefits they gain from the logging sector.

“This expansion is aligned with the current government’s promotion of downstream processing to increase sales of value-added products and reduce sales of round logs to ensure the long-term sustainability of our forest resources,” PS Raomae said.

VATA was established in 2005 to implement the National Forestry Policy on downstream processing.


Solomon Star, Honiara