140+ receive first Holy Communion at Holy Cross Cathedral 

140+ receive first Holy Communion at Holy Cross Cathedral 

OVER 140 Sunday School children joyfully received their First Holy Communion during the 11am Mass at Holy Cross Cathedral on Sunday 29th September. 

The Mass was led by Fr. Clement Wane, with Fr. Peter Kevin, Assistant Secretary to the Catholic Bishops Conference of Papua New Guinea/Solomon Islands. 

The lively liturgy was enriched by the participation of the First Holy Communion children. 

Some of the Sunday School children joyfully sing during the Mass for First Holy Communion at Holy Cross Cathedral, adding a spirit of celebration to this special occasion.

During Homily, Fr. Peter Kevin reflected on the Gospel of Matthew 18, particularly emphasizing verse 6: “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.” He underscored the importance of nurturing the faith of young children and safeguarding their spiritual journey. Fr. Peter emphasized that Holy Communion is one of the seven sacraments of the Catholic Church, a vital source of grace and spiritual nourishment that deepens the children’s relationship with Christ. 

He encouraged the children to cherish this special gift and always approach the Eucharist with reverence and love. Fr. Peter also thanked the parents for their commitment to guiding their children in their faith journey and expressed gratitude to the Sunday school teachers for their dedication in preparing the candidates for this significant milestone. 

The celebration concluded with the presentation of certificates, followed by a joyful feast shared by families and the parish community.

A young First Holy Communion candidate proudly poses with her parents and siblings at Holy Cross Cathedral, celebrating this special milestone in her faith journey.